Giant sequoia grove (Sequoiadendron giganteum), Sequoia National Park, California, USA
As I drove through California’s Sequoia National Park after an overnight snowfall, I was drawn toward this particular patch of forest. In most midlevel views of tree trunks, symmetry defines the scene, but in this particular case, it is all about color. The beautiful muted reds of the giant sequoias, the yellow lichen-shrouded firs, and the emerald green needles combine to create a colorful... more »
Giant sequoia grove (Sequoiadendron giganteum), Sequoia National Park, California, USA
As I drove through California’s Sequoia National Park after an overnight snowfall, I was drawn toward this particular patch of forest. In most midlevel views of tree trunks, symmetry defines the scene, but in this particular case, it is all about color. The beautiful muted reds of the giant sequoias, the yellow lichen-shrouded firs, and the emerald green needles combine to create a colorful panorama. The second element that attracted my attention was the way
the snow covered the forest floor, reflecting upward and providing a soft luminescence in the trees.
Fuji GX617, Fujinon 90mm lens, f/22 for 4 seconds, Fujichrome Velvia film 120 film « less